Pay it Forward Fund
Create greater access, both financial and emotional, to equity-focused negotiation advocacy services.

We provide personalized support to historically marginalized individuals navigating both personal and professional negotiations. Women identified, non-gender conforming individuals, Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color do not have the same pathways to wealth creation and face unique challenges within our existing financial, legal and social structures. Negotiate for Equity works to counteract these systemic power differentials by providing concentrated support and advocacy to individuals facing acute challenges, transitions, or opportunities.
Our team’s experience in negotiation, coaching, and business growth makes us uniquely positioned to be advocates for our clients when they have an opportunity to increase equity and financial well being in their lives.
Help narrow the wealth & opportunity gap.
Beset's mission is to positively impact the wealth and opportunity gap that persists in the US with our negotiation strategy and coaching program, Negotiate for Equity.
The cost to provide this service for each individual is $1050 per month. Based on the findings from our pilot program, to make this service genuinely accessible to individuals in our community, we need to provide the service at a cost of $525 per month. Participants will self-identify their need to utilize the fund. When accepting funds, participants agree to pay it forward by either contributing financially back to the fund within 12-18 months or by doing outreach on behalf of the fund that results in contributions that can be used by future participants. Over time, this not-for-profit program will be self-sufficient. Help us give the wonderful people we will serve who are experiencing financial hardship access to the program.
Beset is a Social Purpose Corporation, which means that the profit from our business consulting services is reinvested in our not-for-profit programs. We are estimating an ability to invest $12,000 in profits towards the program in 2023. This will get us part way to our goal.
Our goal is to serve 40 individuals in 2023. Help us raise $19,500 for our Pay it Forward Fund to make the impact we know is possible to narrow the wealth and opportunity gap in our community.
We welcome donations of any amount! Thank you for your support.
With love + gratitude,
Brieanna O’Duinn